GranuFlo MDL Discovery Process In Progress

Dialysis treatment is life-saving for patients with advance kidney problems, health experts say, but there have been some problems with the acid concentrates like GranuFlo that are used in the treatment. There are about 200 cases filed by plaintiffs with claims of injuries related to the use of GranuFlo, news reports say. The discovery phase of the court proceedings for the GranuFlo cases is now well in progress in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

The judge overseeing these cases is Judge Douglas P. Woodloock and the discovery process was established in a Case Management Order dated October 1, 2013. The plaintiffs and defendant of the cases will have the chance to gather information that will help in stating their claims. All medical records will need to be gathered by November 27, 2013 and the cases to be included for the bellwether trials need to be submitted by January 6, 2014. These bellwether cases will help determine if these cases will be settled out of court or proceed to trial.

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Discovery Process Underway in GranuFlo MDL